I’m up late tonight working on my teacher’s college applications. I have known about them for a looong time and I half hoped it would be different this time, but of course, I have left things to the very end. You think after all those sleepless nights I’d have learned to be all those scary words like diligent, proactive, organized, industrious… But no, instead I have perfected the art of procrastination. For those of you who have never felt the 4 am buzz from brain-overwork and sleepiness, here are my best tricks.
PROCRATINATION 101During the month/week/day before the due date:
-Read books, lots of them. Preferably ones that don’t teach you anything. Or, if you’re not a book person, watch low-budget movies and full house reruns. It’s amazing how entertaining they are.
-Sleep, because you know you won’t get to sleep later.
To do once you’ve decided you Must start working:-Clean your room, or do some other dull task that now holds untold appeal.
-Email that person you’ve been avoiding for the last 3 years.
-Creating a killer play list. After all, it’ll help you to study.
-Keep a glass of water handy. Whenever you struggle for words, or need a distraction take a sip. When the glass is empty you get to take a trip to the kitchen. Bonus breaks to use the washroom. It’s amazing how much water I drink when writing an essay.
-Eat sunflower seeds. They take so stinkin’ long to eat, plus it’ll make you thirsty (see last point).
-Complain to anyone still awake about how stupid you were for leaving everything to the last minute.
www.popcap.com beat your high score.
-Keep a candle burning nearby. Candle wax is so entertaining. (And for those non-procrastinators, you may not realize how riveting it is to watch a candle burn).
-Bang your head against a wall. Or throw something. It helps the creative process.
-Post on your blog.
HAPPY DAWDLING!Note: I am proud to say that this time i demonstrated restraint. I only thought about what I’d write in this post but didn’t post it till after I was finished my assignment. Amazing. And I’ll actually get sleep tonight. Wow.