Tuesday, October 24, 2006

When “the almond tree blossoms and the grasshopper drags himself along”…

When my almond tree blossoms...

I want my grandchildren know just where I keep the cookie jar.
I want to host big get-togethers
I want to have lots of comfy, lived in furniture.
I want others to feel welcome and loved.
I want to feel loved and wanted.
I want to be a prayer warrior.
I want to listen to good messages from the “Christian giants”.
I want to read books.
I want to laugh a lot.
I want to still read the comics.
I want to be full of grace, joy, happiness, peace.
I want to dream.
I want to meet my grandchildren’s dates and give them a hard time until I decide if they’re ok, then I’ll dote on them.
I want to lavish.
I want to have loads of knickknacks and bric-a-brac.
I want to rearrange my house periodically (say, once every 15 years! Or every 5)
I want to have great conversations with people.
I want to be a godly example.
I want to do silly things, and dress up just for fun.
I want to go on dates with my husband.
I want to be able to speak words of wisdom.
I want to eat whatever I want.
I want to play.
I want to be unattached to my worldly things enough to gladly give them away to people who will appreciate them more.
I want to live in a house with lots of windows and sunlight.
I want to be surrounded by loved ones.
I want to have laugh lines.

I want to keep growing.
I want to write down good quotes and give them to people.
I want to go on picnics… and have tea parties in the back garden.
Most of all, I want to finish the race well and finally hear, “well done my good and faithful servant.”

I'm actually looking forward to being old. how bout you? What do you want for when you're wrinkled?


Anonymous said...

Amen to all that! Except for going on dates with my husband... And the only way I will have a tea party is if it is with a granddaughter. I want to be able to still throw and catch a football, preferably with numerous grandsons. Maybe even take them all the way out to GreenBay for a game. It would be nice to know I had left an idea or two behind, maybe even a book full of them. And I will always keep telling jokes all the time, even if no one thinks they are funny (especially if no one thinks they are funny). Not only am I looking forward to hearing “Well done, my good and faithful servant,” but also “enter into the joy of your master.”
Good post Becky

Lindsay Gwen said...

I want to know you when I'm old, good friend!

Anonymous said...

I want to tickle you when you can't fight back.

Anonymous said...

i will hold you down while he tickles cause i know you will still be fiesty.